- 40度微溫有助擊退眼部黑眼圈及浮腫問題
- 聲波振動按摩能持續放鬆及舒緩雙目疲倦
- 亦可加強眼霜吸收,深層導入營養
- 體積細小,USB充電,更為方便
- 40º Warm massage reduces dark circles, puffiness, and promotes the absorption of skincare products. Soothes the skin and smooths fine lines.
- Sonic vibration massage the skin increasing blood circulation and promoting relaxation.
- Smart auto-timer automatically shuts down after 3 minutes for precise use.
- USB Rechargeable Battery – Convenient and environmentally friendly.
- Compact & portable design -Easily fits in a bag or purse to use anywhere at any time.