
美眼導入器 Eye Cream Booster


商品コード: TB1662 カテゴリー:
  • 針對長期用電腦的人士
  • 眼部的深層修護水份補充一款為眼周肌膚而設的溫感美眼儀,可供給40度暖敷功效,紅光療和聲波振動
  • 按摩能有效去除眼部細紋、魚尾紋,淡化黑眼圈及撫平浮腫溫感振動能助消除眼部疲勞,淡化黑眼圈及眼袋
  • 40度暖敷療程促進血液循環,加強眼部精華的吸收紅光療促進膠原蛋白生長,淡化眼周細紋。

  • 40º Warm massage reduces dark circles, puffiness, and promotes the absorption of skincare products. Soothes the skin and smooths fine lines.
  • Sonic vibration massages the skin increasing blood circulation and relaxing the skin. Red light therapy helps to smooth wrinkles and fine lines for a younger-looking appearance.
  • The device can also be used on the lips to reduce the appearance of dry lips. Better to be used after applying lipstick or when using a lip mask.
  • Smart auto-timer, the device automatically shuts down for precise use.
  • Compact & portable design, easily fits in a bag or purse to use anywhere at any time.